The Watchtower Society's have a history of moving the goalpost. The faithful men of old did not physically return in 1925 as promised. The promised return of Jesus to earth was explained away as an invisible return that they had failed to notice.
It was claimed that many of the promises regarding Israel had been fulfilled on the Witnesses in a spiritual or pictorial way. The promised paradise was, for now, a spiritual paradise.
It would have only been one step more for the Society to declare that Armageddon was to be fought in a spiritual realm and would be one more invisible fulfilment not seen by the membership.
The Watchtower Society will one day declare that Armageddon has already taken place, invisibly, but they missed this event too, but will explain it all, using that wonderful tool of hindsight. Perhaps giving the due apology for having encouraged some of the older members to spend their lives speculating about how many days or years make up a generation.
They will once again claim that many of their promises regarding Israel have been fulfilled in a spiritual or pictorial way. The New World will be the joyous association of Jehovah's Witnesses in their spiritual paradise. Other churches offer an invisible reward after death. It is unverifiable. The WT will adopt the same tactics as their competitors.
It has happened before and it will happen again. History does and will repeat itself.